
As a layer farmer you want to produce good quality eggs with great taste. The amount and the taste of the eggs heavily depend on feed and farm management. Good feed combined with good farm management will help you achieve the best production results. At Koudijs we have everything you need to get the best out of your layers. You can choose between the use of complete layer feeds or concentrates. The complete feeds deliver exactly the right nutrition for each growth and production phase. The layer concentrates are carefully composed for you to incorporate raw materials of choice to also yield a high performing layer feed.

Try Koudijs starter feeds for the best start of your pullets

Koudijs layer concentrates give you more revenues and fewer worries

The Koudijs range of layer feed concentrates ensures a high quality, tasty egg with an attractive orange colored yolk. Combined with farm management support and mixing advice for the raw materials available to you, you get the best out of your layers for the highest possible returns. Get started and keep on going: the Koudijs rearing feed supports the best possible start and development of your pullets. 

With Koudijs Layer concentrates you get:

  • More than 30 different ingredients perfectly balanced in one bag
  • More eggs per hen, with lower amounts of feed used per egg
  • Best egg shell quality, through vital, healthy layers with a long laying period

Download flock charts for free

Being able to achieve the best technical results with your flock is a combination of your feed, your housing system and how you manage your farm. But how do you know you achieve the best results with your flock?

Download flock charts for free

Download mixing instructions when using Koudijs concentrates

For the best results it is important to mix the concentrate with the right raw materials in the right ratio's. This way your feed has the optimal nutritional balance for your birds.

Keep your birds healthy with CoolCare

Heat stress affects the health and performance of your flocks leading to lower production and financial losses. The CoolCare solution is developed to predict and recognize heat stress, and to support you with farm and feed management advice reducing heat stress for your birds.

Learn more about CoolCare

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Calcium, phosphor and vitamin D3 are all important nutritional factors in relation to eggshell quality. But, there are also other factors you need to consider. Let’s look at a few: first of all, you have to know the nutrient requirements of the hen. This requirement changes as the bird ages. For example, in older laying hens the calcium requirement increases because less calcium can be made available from the bones. Secondly, during eggshell formation the hen can either use calcium directly from the feed or mobilize it from her bones. This mobilization process is facilitated by vitamin D3 and during it also phosphor gets released that is largely lost. This underlines the importance of also having the correct phosphor and vitamin D3 levels in your feed. Another way to deal with this is by considering the timing of feeding: eggshell formation takes place during the evening and night, so this is the time during which the calcium requirement is the greatest. Therefore, the hen will benefit from extra dietary calcium during this time, something you can achieve with e.g. grit topping in the afternoon.

Feed, water, light and climate are the most important factors that determine the production potential of your flock. Also, it is the combination of all these factors that create the best circumstances for optimal health and performance. Fortunately, at Koudijs we have both nutrition and management specialists who can help you with this. From a nutritional point of view it is all about the right nutrients, provided in the right amount and at the right time. This starts during rearing, where you build the foundation for a successful production phase. We know for example from own research that the body weight and composition at early age already have an impact on lay percentage during the second stage of production. Because there are so many factors involved in optimizing the number of eggs produced per hen, please contact a specialist to discuss your options and to receive an advice based on your specific situation.

The colour of the egg yolk can be influenced through nutrition by the addition of pigments. Pigments are also known as carotenoids and cannot be produced by the chicken herself. Around the world, customers have a different preference for yolk color. At Koudijs we understand the importance of meeting customer expectations. To make sure that the yolks in your laying hens’ eggs have just the right color, we have developed extensive knowledge in this area. The different types of carotenoids available for laying hen feeds have been extensively assessed and valued. By understanding the efficiency of the different sources available, we can always provide just the right amount of pigments for the colour you prefer.

Ideally, egg size should not fluctuate too much throughout the laying period and be uniform across the flock. In practice we see that hens that just started laying eggs often produce eggs that are relatively small, while eggs produced during the second half of production are relatively heavy. There are various ways to control egg size and uniformity throughout the laying period. For example, a uniform flock of hens during rearing will better respond to nutritional and management changes during the transition phase and likely result in a more consistent egg production at the onset of lay. Also the body weight as such and body condition at the onset of lay will influence egg weight. From a nutritional perspective, egg weights are mainly determined by feed intake, feed utilization and the nutritional value of the feed. The ultimate effect depends on many factors, such as house temperature, intestinal and animal health and things like feed structure and the ratio of protein / energy.

At Koudijs we are continuously looking into ways to further optimize feed costs. On one hand we do this by smart sourcing of ingredients and optimizing our production processes. On the other hand we continue to further improve and optimize the feed composition, resulting in improved nutrient utilization and performance of your laying hens. Optimization can be done by e.g. better understanding the nutrient requirements of the hen at different ages and production stages (precision feeding), but also by studying individual (novel) ingredients with respect to digestibility and nutrient availability to the bird. Lastly, also latest feed production technologies can help to improve feed quality and nutrient availability.