Flock charts
Achieve the best technical results with your flock
Flock charts
Being able to achieve the best technical results with your flock is a combination of your feed, your housing system and how you manage your farm. But how do you know you achieve the best results with your flock? First thing is to register your activities every day, so you are able to discuss your activities and results with the Koudijs specialist and benchmark them with the norms.
Registration will give you the insights of your current situation and gives you the possibility to work, together with your dealer or Koudijs specialist on improvements in your management.
Please enjoy our video where we explain the importance of registering and monitoring your flock performance:

Flock charts
To make life easy we have the most important norms availiable for you. Please ask you Koudijs specialist for these norms.
To register your performance you can use our prepared Monitorings & Registration Forms (our Flock Charts) You can pick up these printed Flock Charts at your local dealer or download them here:
Flock Chart Layers: Flock Chart Layers Production
Flock Chart Layers Rearing: Flock Chart Layers Rearing
Flock Charts Broilers: Flock Chart Broilers
For printed Flock Charts you can also contact the Koudijs office: 0307-000-580