Keep your birds healthy and productive during hot weather
Heat stress is a big challenge
When your birds cannot maintain their body temperature in their optimal thermalneutral zone and their temperature exceeds the limit they will suffer from heat stress. Heat stress causes increased mortality, a lower feed intake and lower productivity. Not only during the heat period but also afterwards. As a result, your financial results will decline sharply. Find out here how to minimise the effects of heat stress through management, health and feed solutions, brought together in the CoolCare approach.
CoolCare supports poultry during heat stress
The CoolCare solution supports the health and welfare of your birds, maintains animal performance and reduces stress caused by heat. This starts with predicting when weather conditions could induce heat stress. Followed by knowing which measures you can take to reduce the body temperature of your birds to healthier levels.
The CoolCare app helps you to predict potential heat stress risk. The app also contains handy feed and farm management advice for your temparature and humidity conditions to support your animals during heat stress.

The CoolCare app
Mitigate the risk of heat stress with help of the CoolCare app. The app can also provide recommendations you can take on your farm to support your birds during the hot season. The quick CoolCare app guide helps you to get started in a way that suits you best.
Download the quick CoolCare guideHow can I support my birds when it is hot?
As a poultry farmer you are constantly alert to (heat) stress. Make sure to include the alert forecast in the settings of the Coolcare app on your phone. There are different measures you can take on your farm to limit the effects of heat stress. They vary from creating shading and ventilation as well as cooling by air and water or installing perches and choosing optimal feeding times.

How to recognize Heat stress in your poultry
Visible signs of heat stress:
- Birds are panting or gasping.
- High breathing frequency to lose heat by evaporation.
- Spreading of wings, squatting and sitting low to the ground
- Lower feed intake and higher water consumption.
- Lack of energy, birds do not move

Actions to take to support your flock
Frequently asked question about coolcare
We have the answers to your questions
Our approach will help you to identify heat stress (with the app) at an early stage. It enables you to take action (e.g. poster/training) at both the nutritional and management levels to support your animals during this period.
By understanding the physiological consequences of heat stress (video), we not only try to alleviate the negative impact of heat stress on animals (curing), but we also try to prevent these consequences from occurring in the first place. In other words, our approach is proactive and not simply reactive.
Our approach doesn't focus solely on selling you more of our feed as the perfect solution against heat stress. The tools we develop allow for objective advice on what steps you can take to have the best possible impact. These can be changes related to nutrition but also to management.
Our approach targets the animals. We focus on how to support them during periods of heat stress. There definitely is an impact on performance and consequently also a financial impact, but our initial aim is to alleviate the negative impact on the animals' welfare and health by addressing the physiological issues at hand as a consequence of heat stress.
You can find the CoolCare app in the Google Play Store and in the Itunes store.